After such a long time i m planning to write something. Its more on my own experience which i gain in one last year in mumbai.
I came to mumbai on 28th September 2009 and joined one supply chain management company. Before that i have never got that much chance to zoom in this city, came here only few times. Initially when i came down on that time i heard so much rumors about Mumbai, whoever known me very well they said me. dost your life gonna be hell now, couple of friends said its good time for adventure, some friends said you will learn so much things in mumbai, I left ahmedabad with Mix emotions of happiness and sad. i was happy caz i felt that i m fed up in ahmedabad and sad because i was leaving my huge friend circle.
Now Mumbai what i should say about this city, Here you find Mumbai never sleep, Most of the time i have seen the night life of mumbai. initially when i came, was little bit scared and for over come that fear, on first weekend i went back to ahmedabad to visit my old guns. Normally weekdays passed pretty fast over here but weekend was always scaring for me. on second weekend went to zoom in mumbai's street alone and that experience has helped me to come out from the fear of this city. Then after every weekend was great and enjoying. I have met people over here like loving, caring, arrogant, egotistic, back stabber, motivated,struggling for their identity.
I found that over here most of the people has killed their dream in this city, They come with some objective in their life but after start struggling in this city they always forgot their main objective. If i am not wrong then every day almost 50000 people come in this city from different sates of india. You will get food easily over here but you wont get accommodation easily, this is fundamental concepts of this city and personally i have experienced over here. One most important thing of this city is, over here nobody cares about you, even people don't believe in religion over here. Caz their hectic life style and fast life doesn't give them single chance to think about it.
I have seen and implemented the concept of mumbaikar. which is every day is your last day of you life and live it as king. Seen the people who doesn't got love from the child hood, their entire child hood has been ruined, every day they use to get abuse. but still they have never give up their life living objective. Seen the people who works more then 18 hours a day and earning here because there is no employments opportunity in their home town and can feed their family who based out of their own home town. if you believe in Juggad, everything would be done here, In terms of Professionalism you can find mix culture over here. The most enjoying time in this city on Lord Ganesh Festival.
If you are crazy about films and entertainment industry and believe that you can get chance easily then you are wrong. Here there is only one fundamental concepts, its Give and Take. You will find most of the people who influence as they are some big shots of Entertainment industry in drunken condition. In most of the bars after getting drunk people feels that they are king of this city and it ends with full of entertainment for you. Mumbaikar doesn't care about TV stars, Film Stars, and honestly I also got that kind feeling that we should not create any hypothetical image of those celebrity, caz after all they are also human being.
There is old time quote of this city Mumbai's Money never go out. This city keeps the money inside it self. and now I am strongly believe in that for eg. Ambanie's Godrej, Bachan, etc. so finally enjoy here, live here, and learn here.
Hope you will like this short note. Here are some photos for my those friends who are not living in mumbai
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