This story has started some where around mid of 80’s, where a cute girl has entered in hindu Brahmin family in central part of the United states. First I would like to introduce about the girl’s family.
The Dave family: By profession Mr. Dave was civil engineer and has completed his graduation from Gujarat University in 60’s, Mrs. Dave was ideal Indian house wife, who has supported her husband on every step of the life. Mr. Dave and his family has been migrated in early 70’s and settled down there with two sons.
Welcome of the youngest child in the Dave Family:
The couple had only one disappointment to not having daughter. Mr. Dave has decided to adopt one born girl child from the orphan house, Mr. Dave discussed the matter with his wife and she agreed, they came down to India and adopted a baby girl from the orphan. Mr & Mrs. Dave was so much happy having daughter, With love they have given her name Anjali. That small child was as much as cute compare to her name, but that couple didn’t know that god has written something else in Anjali’s life. Anjali’s older brother didn’t like this new entry in the family because he almost has crossed 20’s and also influenced his younger brother against the new child. But because of Mr. Dave both sons were not able to say any single word against their younger sister. As time passed both the little boys has accepted their sister but still they have not convinced their heart.
Birthday Celebration converted earthquake in Dave Family:
The Dave couple was so much happy to having daughter in their life and they were enjoying the little girl’s cute talks. At Anjali’s 4th birthday couple has decided to celebrate it with grand party, because the girl came with happiness and joy in their life. Now she can walk, speak and fulfilling their life with so many joys, on her 3rd birthday, her oldest brother got married and 2nd youngest once engaged. Mr. Dave was also getting good contracts after they adopted Anjali. They moved to Chicago and set up the new construction firm there, oldest son already set with his dad and 2nd youngest has also joined his dad business. There were so many reasons to celebrate. They have decided to throw a big bash party in down town of the Chicago. It was the time January 28th evening; the entire family member went for restaurant where they have arranged the party, since last couple days there were heavy snow falling across the city, so they started early, after reaching half of the destination. Mr. & Mrs. Dave realized that they have forgotten their daughter’s gift at home. they asked to the oldest son to start arranging things at party place, Couple dropped their children to the venue, and went back to collect gift, Mr. Dave asked to his wife, if she can join him because he also wanted to surprise his wife to giving diamond necklace. On the way back to the venue snow started heavily and couple was getting scare, because they don’t want to get late in celebration, on the other side almost all the guest has arrived in party and inquiring about Mr. & Mrs. Dave. Some how both the son managed the situation. Oldest once was looking his sister with jealous nature. Suddenly the cops’ car came to the hotel and start inquiring about Mr. Dave’s oldest son. He joined the cops and asked them what’s wrong. Cops have informed him, his parents met with an accident and they have taken to the hospital, he moved alone and asked his youngest brother to take care of situation. Reaching to the hospital the doctors has informed him that his parents have been died on the spot. The entire celebration now converted into sea of sadness. The entire family member was shocked, only Anjali didn’t get & she was enjoying at the venue with kids.
Second earthquake in Anjali’s life:
After the death of the parents, Anjali’s oldest brother was managing the family, some how he was not agree with his parents’ decision but still he took the responsibility of Anjali. His wife always scolds to Anjali, and eager to find her mistake in house hold task. By the time passed the little jolly angle Anjali converted into intro ward person. And always try to find Dave Couple in old age people. She was not supposed to go out in weekend, she can not play with her friends, and lots of restriction has been ruled on her by the time pass. Day by day she was pushing her self into mental imbalance, Anjali almost crossed 14th and she was entering in the teen age, by the birth she looks cute and always tries to help old age people. One day her uncle visited their home from London. Mr. Dalal came for some business meetings their & due to his closeness of her older brother, he stayed with them for 20 days. Initially 15 days passed quickly and Anjali was enjoying her Uncle’s company. Once again she started feeling that, she got her father. Who listened her, who cares about her, who supports her. But all the dreaming became vanished before Mr. Dalal leaves their home on the last night. That night Anjali’s brother and bhabhi went for function and suppose to come next day morning. There were only Anjali and her uncle at home, it was once again the month of January ending and were snowing heavily. She prepared dinner, and was finishing her home work. Her uncle was sitting in the drawing room and having drinks. Suddenly her uncle came to her room and asked her what she is doing. She responded quietly, her uncle was at door step and only watching her. She once again asked politely if they want anything let her know. Her uncle went down and once again started drinking, this time he came up with bottle of whisky in her room and asked her to get some food, as he is tired and wants to help her in study, innocent girl did what her uncle asked her to do. After that what happened she has never imagined that, her uncle has started molesting her, she tried to run away from there but could not able to get away and it was like one lion kills his own child and eats it. She has been raped thrice in that entire night. This incident drove her in major shock of the life, where she lost all the trust from every one.
Anjali’s brothers already ignoring and hating her, she tried to tell what happened with her to her bhabhi, but she has also refused and beats anjali like a street dog. Anjali almost was going through difficult time and that incident has forwarded her to take major suicide step. But till the time she almost lost all the courage with in her. Every day she started praying to god that gives her death because she won’t be able to end her life by her own self.
Gaining Trust once again:
After that encounter she almost lost her mental balance, she started spending her time alone, she stopped interacting with every one, after the collage she spent her time sitting on window and always thinking that why god has done all this things to her. Why god is giving so much pain to her, this thinking took her to stress, no one in the family ask her that does she had food or not, it was like having a family still she was living in the orphan home.
Some one has said that; time is the only one medicine which can help you to move out from pain, & it happened with her. She has spent almost six year in that situation. One day she met with guy Called Samarth, Samarth who was on student visa in US and perusing for his masters in university of Chicago, it was summer time and both met in university library, the smart handsome and coming from the very good family back ground. Initially Anjali didn’t responded him, Samarth thought it could be because of she looks beautiful and that’s y she is egoistic, but still there was some thing which Samarth has figured out in Anjali’s eye. He started inquiring about her and that helped him to understand that Anjali is not like other ABCD (American Born Confuse Desi) girl. Samarth tried to search exactly what’s going in her life but he was not able to find anything. One day he met with Anjali in shopping mall, where she came with her friend. After that Anjali’s friend become Samarth’s good friend. Her name was Samantha, she was living next door to Anjali. Sam told most of the things about Anjali expect the tragic encounter with her uncle. Day by day Samarth getting emotional about Anjali. He managed to meet her as much as can. Anjali also started feeling comfortable when ever she is with Samarth. This routine continued to around 1 and half year. On valentine Samarth proposed her and Anjali accepted Samarth’s proposal. Samarth approached Anjali’s family to get marry with her. Finally Anjali’s brothers agreed on that and finally Anjali started dreaming about her tremendous future, which leads her to the best happy person in the world. But destiny always wants something else. She never had long time in happiness.
3rd earth quake in Anjali’s life:
Just after 5 months of marriage, she hospitalized. Doctor found that she has blood coating in her uterus, and need to go under surgery. It happened due to some old injury in the teen age. Doctors also diagnosed that if things will be all right then still the probability of giving birth would be very less. Before the marriage Anjali has told everything to Samarth. Samarth was that much capable enough to carry all the pain of her, but for every married girl has dreams that they feels being proud to be a mother. This time Anjali almost broke up, but Samarth gave her warmth and support from where anjali came out. Samarth supported her like anything; he always tried to spend as much as he can with Anjali. Once again life came up with the hardest pain for Anjali.
It was the January 28th 2009, which was Anjali’s 25th birthday. Samarth decided to give her surprise party. He was out of country for business conference and wants to give her surprise on her birthday at mid night of 24th Jan. Anjali called up him on the late evening of 24th and asked him, how was his conference. Samarth said it was very good and he will be back on 27th morning. Anjali took a deep breath and pray to god for Samarth success and for their long future. She doesn’t have any idea that Samarth already came down to Chicago when she called up. It was quite good evening but the authorities has expected to heavy snow fall in couple of days. Samarth started driving to home and was dreaming about to give her surprise. He was on the time, it was just only 200 yards remaining to reach and suddenly one ford SUV made a sharp turn which hits Samarth’s car on driving side. Car took almost 10 times rolled down and hit at his home’s front gate, due to the hit and rolling noise Anjali woke up and went to her window. She saw the car and fascinated, she came down to the stairs and ran towards to main door. This journey was only 1 only min and she has prayed to god that, the car should not be his husband, when she opened the main door of her house and saw the car, she scared and shouted, the entire neighbor hood came out and saw the accident. Anjali was shocked and was not able to speak any single word. Paramedics came in 2 minutes but due to the rolling and hit badly on driver side, Samarth was dead already, Samarth was carrying diamond necklace for her sweet heart as birthday gift but the entire box was full with blood. Once again the history flashed back to Anjali and she went in unconscious condition.
Final Note:
“If difficulties takes some time in your life then impossible is just a little longer”
Ankit Brahmbhatt.
Disclaimer: All the characters of this story are fictitious, it has nothing to relate with any live and dead person. It’s all the imaginary product of author’s mind.
Photo source: Google pics.