Hi friends,
I was trying to write this story long time back, but due to some busy stuff on personal front, was not able to write it.
Well it’s the incident which happened with me months back where I was going back from Mumbai to my home town. I met with one of my old friend in Ahmadabad who surprisingly came down here and told me just few days ago before he depart for US. We met and had wonderful time in coffee shop, discussed so many things on personal front, I am glad that I have the friend like him. Well it has nothing to relate with the story which I am suppose to tell you.
After spending couple of hour with my friend I started looking for the auto rickshaw. So I can reach to the station and catch the bus from my home town. Meanwhile I met with the guy his name was Baldev, Baldev runs the auto rickshaw in city called Ahmadabad. I hired him and started short journey for the station. I never knew that, this journey will show me our 21st centaury’s life style, our better society, our belief towards to the human being, belief to the self respect & never die attitude. I was not aware that this short journey will convert in long once.
Baldev, who born in lower middle class family, did study till the 5th standard from government school. Which also known as municipality school. Baldev’s father migrated to Ahmadabad before independence of India. He was the first child and has three brothers & five sisters. Due to inability of money he forced to drop his study and help his father to run their daily expanses. He started working in clothing mills, started throwing news paper in the morning. As much as work he has done to help his father, in the young age he started driving three wheel paddle rickshaw to earn money. This is now no where able to see in Ahmadabad as passenger transportation. Baldev got married at the age of 19 with Mangu. He started working 20 hours in a day so he can help his brothers and sisters to get study. His father died after one year of his marriage, as elder brother he took the entire responsibilities of the family. He gave his best effort to educate his brothers and sisters and settled them. His brothers want to start business in the city, so he provided enough founding to them. As a elder brother he gave his 10 years life to his brothers and sisters and provide them best satisfaction towards to their new life.
Baldev also has two sons and he knew for better life he has to provide better education to his sons. Once again he fall back in his early young age and start working for his next dream, which was to become a proud father. Some times his health was not supporting him still he never kept his attitude down. Baldev’s sons got best education. He sent his elder son to the USA for further study and younger once wanted to go in civil service, so he provided all the possible resources to his younger son. Now he was dreaming that, these are the last effort which he keeps doing, because after couple of years he will be move out from all the family related tension. Meanwhile both the son has done very well in their field and he started looking brides for his sons. But once again his destiny doesn’t want that. His elder son got married in USA and decided to settle down there. Some how Baldev got shocked, but he came out of it. Now his younger son also got married with the girl whom he met during his civil service final. His wife said whatever happens that has been written in their destiny. He shocked because once upon time their house was full of family member and now he lives with his wife only. Both sons called them to visit them but were not to keen say live with them. He & his wife visited couple of times but the behavior of their son was not like their own son. But they treated them as guest who visited the house on some special occasion.
This time Baldev got major heart attack and need to get operated, none of his son, his brothers & sisters turned up on time and his right leg got paralyzed. He move out from the hospital after one month and his both son provided nurse to help him and his wife. That entire incident taught him, after some period even birds are also leaves their nest. Both of his sons were sending enough resources (not money), which can only help them to live life. Baldev was not educated but has that courage to live their life by own. Once again he started driving auto rickshaw in the city. He doesn’t entertain his sons. And lives compromised life with his wife at the age of 72.
While I reached the station, I asked him why he still running this rickshaw, he can apply for senior citizen help from the government. Baldev said, in he lives his entire life with self respect and wants to live with till the death. The journey fare came up around 70 buck, I gave him 100 and moved towards to station, Baldev shouted and ask me to collect change. I said don’t worry keep it with you. You know what was his answer? Baldev said: I lived my entire life with self respect & honesty. I am not eligible to keep this change. Please take it back. I took it back and salute that guy.
Final Note:
I am not sympathizing to Baldev, but I admire his attitude towards to self belief & honesty. I know there are so many old age people around us and they are not like Baldev but still if we can share warmth of feelings & love.
मुश्किलों से जो डर जाये वो जलीले खाल होते है, बदल दे वक़्त की रफ़्तार वो ख़ुदार होते है!
यू तो डूबती है हजारो कश्तीय खुदा के भरोसे, मगर चप्पू जो खुद चलाये वाही अक्सर पार होते है!!!!!!
Based on true story
Image source: Google pics
Written By:
Ankit Brahmbhatt