Last wish:
Hello friends,
Hope you all are long well, after a long time I come up with small story, hope you all will like this story.
This story dedicated to those people who love their family and always tries keep their family happy.
The story starts in year 2008, which was resulting in global economy slow down. People where loosing their job, hiring has been stopped across the entire industry domain. Stock market was down, inflation was going high, and people of the globe were worried that weather this slow down recover or not. Same time India faced biggest terror attack, Mumbai had been in blood shell. A common man was scared and was feeling that now no more safe in this city. Same time in another corner of Mumbai this incident took place.
December 2008, Mumbai:
Mumbai just came out of recent terror attack, Indian government was pressuring to Pakistan to hand over terrorist to India, US, UK and all other countries has condemned that attack and was also pressuring to Pakistan.
Same time one young software geek was struggling to save his job. Rakesh Singh who was in Mumbai since last six months, has been deputed from Delhi, his company has shut down their Delhi office and moved all the operation to their Mumbai based HO. Mean while firing and cost cutting was daily routine in his company. Rakesh was working with that organization since last four years and it was his first company. Just few days back his team lead was fired because company was not able to afford TL’s salary.
Every day was fascinated for Rakesh, whenever he enters in the office he use to heard some one lost his job. Rakesh in the position where he can be sure about his future. Working hour is close 14 every days, to save his job he also works in weekends. He doesn’t know that one day his all hard work going to be vanished.
June 2004, Delhi:
This one is one of the memorable month for Rakesh Singh. He graduated from DU in B.E IT. A typical bihari guy is just suppose to leave for his home town in Bihar. His family was eagerly waiting because Rakesh was the first person in their family who became an engineer. Mr. Baldev Singh is much more happy and distributing sweets in village. Baldev, a small time farmer, who has only one son named Rakesh, on the birth of Rakesh baldev has decided that he will provide best education to his son. And today his son is first engineer in their village who not only graduated but also got best salary package in his collage.
After 15 days stay at home, Rakesh came back to Delhi and joined his first break. Normally being a fresher initially companies sends fresher into training. After the training company deploy people into projects.
Rakesh got his first project in one month after his training, it was two months project in delhi it self. He finished his task successfully. He achieved the first milestone as best performer of the month and gets confirmed employee.
August 2006, CA USA:
Rakesh got a chance to visit onsite for one project. his manager has recommend him for that particular requirement. Rakesh was in situation weather he grab this opportunity or leave, on side of his heart was telling him not to go USA. Because his father would be alone. He decided to ask his father, Baldev agreed and said his son, don’t loose this opportunity. As visiting onsite he would be the first one in his entire family. Rakesh got convince but still his small heart was in his father. Rakesh lost his mother on small age and he doesn’t even know that what is love of mother, his father is all for him. Today he become engineer, got best education all because of this father. To make his career his father has sold off their land. Realizing that Rakesh decided to go onsite and earn as much as he can. End of the August month Rakesh fly to USA and joined his onsite contractor.
May 2008, Delhi:
It has been almost a year and half where Rakesh has not seen his father. So he decided to visit India. almost in starting of 2008 global economy started slowing down. So his company agreed and sent back Rakesh to India. lending to Delhi airport he directly went to his home town in bihar. When he reached to home, he was shocked and fascinated. Six months back his father met an accident and they lost one leg. Rakesh’s father didn’t inform him because he doesn’t want to disturb him and run behind this accident. Rakesh was in position where he doesn’t know what to do. Baldev was scared on the reaction of Rakesh, caz Rakesh changed and went under mental depression. On one evening Baldev called Rakesh and asked him to sit with him.
Baldev said, my son I want you to do one thing for me. As you know I am in the last stage of life and don’t have much strength. You always know that I have only one desire. I would like to travel in your car and before I die I want to see you in your Mercedes.
As being a father Baldev always knew that his son love to do what ever his father wants. His son always fill up father’s dream, Baldev knew that he wont be able to live more because now his time has come up, suffering by tuberculosis and that is also in its last stage, Baldev knew that he has only some more month lefts . Just he lost his leg in that Rakesh felled into mental shock then when Rakesh get to know about his tuberculosis, Rakesh wont be able to sustain more. So to get engage Rakesh and for the sack Rakesh come out of that situation he played this trick. Rakesh moved back to Delhi and started working.
August 2008, Mumbai:
Rakesh shifted to Mumbai just few days back, now a days he is so much worried because when he was in Delhi, he use to visit his home town in 15 days but from Mumbai its to much difficult for him to visit his father. He started working more and more so he can full fill his father’s dream. But like always god wants something else. Rakesh has spent just 25 days in Mumbai and one night he fell down in his office. Few of the employees were there and it was v hours time of the night. About after an hour when security guy visited Rakesh’s cubical. He found Rakesh fallen in unconscious situation. Rakesh has been taken to hospitalized and treatment started. Doctor just gave him some medicine and sent him back. Once again his routine life has been started.
Diwali 2008:
Diwali is just few days back and Rakesh has booked his ticket forhis home town. Now a day his father was not keeping well so he decided to took some days off and stay with his father. He always asked his father to live with him but Baldev didn’t wants to leave his home town. He always said that I born here, I lived here so I would die here only. It was last day of Rakesh in the office because tomorrow afternoon he would start traveling for his home town. It was late evening and he wanted to finish his work and hand over to his team lead so they can carry on their work when he would be on off. Suddenly Rakesh started feeling unconsciousness and this time he got blood vomit, he felled down. Next day morning when he gets conscious and open his eye, he was admitted in hospital. Rakesh saw his team lead standing next to his bed. He asked what happen but no one was responding.
He asked to doctor what happen to him. Doctor said we just did some test and waiting for result. Once they gets the result then after they can say something. In the evening Doctor came to Rakesh and inquire about his family. Doctor asked him that can his father come down to Mumbai? Rakesh was confused and was only asking about what happened to him. Finally doctor said that his red count in blood cell is dieing. Doctor said him, he has only 6 to 8 months more. It was already in his second last stage.
We always says that Diwali is the festival of lights, and it removes darkness and bring lights in human life. But this diwali brought heavy darkness in Rakesh’s life where he was chasing behind his father’s dream and felled into this dieses. Rakesh decided not to share this thing with any one, he called up his father and said: Bapuji there is one good news for you. I have booked your dream car. His father was shocked and happy. Rakesh Said that I would be coming by car to home. Just to make happy his father he said such things but now he was in the position where he has to make real what he has said.
He doesn’t have enough balance to buy Mercedes. So he decided to rent a car, he described all the situation to his one friend who owns his travel agency. His friend arranged one brand new Mercedes for him with white dress driver. Rakesh drove that car to his home town.
Last Wish becomes true:
Rakesh reached to home with car, Baldev was happy and tears came out from his eye. They travel to various places and baldev was one the biggest happiest person in his village where his dream has been full filled by his son. Dad and sone both has tears in their eyes. It was happy wala tears not sad wala. People of the village was saying that beta ho to Rakesh jaisa ho. But no one familiars with reality
Last line:
In life every day we face many problems, but it doesn’t mean that we should stop living life. If we look surrounding environment we can come up with many Rakesh and Baldev. So live the life in king size.
Written by:
Ankit BrahmbhattDisclaimer: all the character of this story are imaginary, it has nothing to relate with any live or dead person. The entire story is product of writer’s imagination.